Viale XXX Giugno, 40 - 62029 Tolentino (MC) - Cell: 333.6838912

The Marches

General Information

Chief TownANCONA
Personal DocumentsVALID IDENTITY CARD (for citizens of European Union countries that have joined the Schengen Treaty ) OR PASSPORT
Surface9.401 kmq
ProvincesAncona, Macerata, Fermo, Ascoli Piceno, Pesaro-Urbino
ClimateMild Mediterranean on the coastal strip, more continental inland where in winter there may be phenomena of snowfall both on the hills and in the plain
Electrical Current230 VOLT with frequency 50 Hz. The sockets are type C (European) or type F - It is advisable to have an adapter

Located in central Italy, on the shores of the Adriatic Sea, between Emilia Romagna, Umbria, Lazio and Abruzzo, with a not very extensive territory (about 9,400 sq km) for a population of about 1,500,000 inhabitants, the Marche Region has been for years far from mass tourism, little known despite some of its illustrious sons (Leopardi, Raffaello, Rossini and many others) and not very popular.
And perhaps this has allowed its inhabitants to maintain their character of industrious, silent and shy people, but very active, respectful of their territory, of which they know well the value, and for this reason they care and protect the variety with the utmost attention. landscape, flora and fauna, the various ecosystems that characterize it. Yes, because the Marche has everything: crystal clear sea and splendid beaches, gentle hills and cultivated plains with a great variety of plants, lakes and spas for total relaxation, mountains (the Apennine chain) to climb and discover in every path and ravine.
Without forgetting the history of its inhabitants, an ancient history, which starts from afar, from the Roman era, through the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Unification of Italy up to the contemporary era, with technology and companies of international value. Those who arrive in the Marche discover a treasure, a treasure chest hidden in a corner that he did not know he had, and which once discovered reveals priceless treasures. Not for nothing has the international magazine Lonely Planet classified the Marche region as the second region to visit in 2020 (... and we add in 2021, 2022, 2023 and beyond ...)