Viale XXX Giugno, 40 - 62029 Tolentino (MC) - Cell: 333.6838912


The Marche are a region of central Italy, as wonderful as they are unusual for their diversity of landscape and territory: harmonious and sinuous shapes, cliffs and caves that alternate with unforgettable beaches, hills that evoke history, tradition, art and mountains equipped with ski lifts for ski enthusiasts.

The territory is mainly hilly and mountainous, embracing the Adriatic side of the Apennines Umbrian-Marches with its low and sandy beaches. Renowned is the long stretch of fine golden sand, bathed by crystal clear water, which is located in Senigallia , with its lively and worldly waterfront during all hours of the day.
No less are Gabicce mare, Pesaro, Fano, Civitanova Marche and San Benedetto del Tronto which represent an ideal destination for those who want to relax and find refreshment among the many bathing establishments, while for those who love extreme nature, the Conero Riviera it offers suggestive sceneries and still wild edges, sometimes reachable only by sea or among paths cut out in the green of the Mediterranean scrub.

The Marches are a unique region especially in terms of nature. The region is home to numerous national and regional parks as well WWF oasis to discover; the parks of the Sibillini Mountains and Monti della Laga offer a unique spectacle for trekking enthusiasts. You can't miss the Frasassi Caves , a destination for visits from all over Europe and of great speleological interest for the karst phenomenon that gave rise to splendid caves, some of which have been inhabited since prehistoric times.

  • Treasure Hunt

    Do you know the feeling you get when you open for the first time a trunk you had at home since a long time and inside it you find memories, photographs, family heirlooms, jewelry? Amazement, wonder, curiosity, desire to know and to remember push you to observe every object contained

  • Cosa Fare

    Il mare ed i monti presenti in questa regione sono un connubio ideale per chi ama spaziare ed immergersi nelle limpide acque del mare circostante e nella vegetazione dei suoi parchi. Sono proprio questi ultimi ad occupare una buona percentuale di superficie considerata come area protetta. L’Italia in verde Le Marche,

  • Cosa Assaggiare

    Non parliamo di un’unica cucina ma di un’unione di sapori e gusti di tutto il territorio con le sue caratteristiche specifiche. La ruvidità tipica dell’entroterra, si assapora nei piatti a base di carne con il maiale in porchetta, l’agnello marinato; piatti a base di tartufo, come quelli di Acqualagna e Sant’Agata Feltria e a base di funghi; nei